My best friend's birthday

May babies are abundance with one after another of celebrations and parties, started off with kar fei, anne, ju and not forgetting, ling.

We can be cute and adorable

Take a walk down to memory lane, Ling and I met in year the of 2002, back in high school. She is the person, who I can sit beside for hours, with or without utter a single word yet I feel like I had the best conversation ever.

Cheeky and fun we are

She said,” ...its the knowledge that we can still pick up where we left off and just completely honest with each other.”

This has says it all.

Yet we are one of the kind

She will be my bridesmaid the day I walk down the aisle.
And simply the coolest godmother for my kids, one day.

Cheers to our 7 years friendship, and more to come!

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