Three letter words

I pretty much enjoy going places alone. I am not afraid neither feel pathetic. Sometimes it’s not easy to tune off yourself from parties and friends. It makes spending time alone, you know having the “me-time”, seems so much precious, and hard to come by. Well at least this is what I think.

And most often, my senses-sight in particular- seems to be more fresh and alert when I am unaccompanied. I tend to observe more, and see things that I normally don’t. That explains why I fond of going to art exhibitions alone, gain new insights and meet random strangers. That’s my “me-time”.

There I was at Annexe again.

Last year I had my “me-time”, but bumped into Roy by accident. He ruined my plan. Hah. So this year, Roy and I took a little extra effort to meet up at somewhere at some point. Met a new friend too, Foong. We had beef noodle for lunch :) My eagerness in feeding my gluttony craving was definitely hard to oppress.

Lingering and looking around Annexe. Less knick knacks and accessories and more books this time around. They had a very interesting alternative books, comics and short films to select and pick from, all by local indie publishers and self publishers. Materials that you don’t find in conventional bookstore. Comics that trigger your thoughts. Short films that portray real issues. And books that you read to be challenged.

There was even a tattoo corner! Roy was basically anticipating the day when I am going to ink myself. We even went through some designs beforehand. Yes, I am thinking of getting one for my 21st birthday. Alright now, don’t stare at me as if I just committed a crime. Getting green light from the parental unit will be a whole new level, in my case- whether I am 21 or 12. And the issue of Christianity comes into play. Some are supportive. Some are not. So for now, I am just going around surveying, asking and basically lots of thinking to do.

My favourite shot of the day.

5 years ago, I don’t see myself appreciating art. Give me paper and crayons, and I probably have a drawing of a 10 years old kid. Till now I still draw like a 12 year old. But my interest and curiosity have bloomed, into a different branch of arts. Now I support, embrace and love art. Not Shakespeare. Not some Chinese paintings. But crafts, pop arts and theaters.

Art has no black or white. Art doesn’t need to be abstract or complicated to be art. Art is meant to be simple and reflective. All it takes is just the three letter words.

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