Pretty Fit

I am a happy person with my newly burgundy highlights, freshly berry plum manicure, and the proud owner of the eco-friendly Ipanema sandals as well as metallic looking baby pink pumps. Jolly oh jolly. As shallow as it may sounds, I am feeling ever fresh!

Within merely 30 minutes, I bought two shoes which cost me about an hundred and more. One justification to my action is- I have fetish over shoes. Growing up under the influence of my pa and sis, I had my first fling with Nike Sneakers at the age of 12. As I aged with grace, my liking for sneakers has revolved to flats, sandals, pumps and heels. Shoe lover I am. Don’t girls just love shoes?

At times I think shoes speak a lot about one self. My first good impression of a person started off by looking...not the flashy smile. Not the sparkling eyes. Not the healthy hair. Not the beautiful feature. Ok, maybe a little. But shoes! No prize for guessing it right. That explained why I am attracted to Henry Golding- his high cut bright red dunks are nothing but delicious looking :)

Again, finding the right and comfortable shoes that fit my feet perfectly well is tedious sometimes. The saying of - You never truly know someone until you have walked a mile in his shoes
- is easier to say than to be done. Just today, I did an informative presentation speaking on emo culture. To put myself in emo’s shoe, first I need to dress up being an emo- donned in black tee and tights, and layered with a hoodie, draped with studded belt, and slipped on a pair of Converse! Despite a wee bit gloomy for my taste and apparently it is not my usual attire, but it was pure fun to play dress up once in a while.

And here is a little advice for the ladies- if a woman never lets herself go, how will she ever know how far she might have got? If she never takes off her high-heeled shoes, how will she ever know how far she could walk or how fast she could run?”



Anonymous said...

Hehe, I like pumps heh, but the pumps in Malaysia are not that nice if compared to overseas. Lol.

Ahmad said...

So the lesson from ur advice is...ladies shouldn't wear high heeled shoes so that they can always run fast? haha

nylyw said...

I love ipanema too...

and i think it's time for me to get new shoes as well.

see ya!

cyan_loh said...

Lynn> exactly! And like for vincci, their soles arent that good at all *shakes head* but with its cheap prices, what to do? LOL.

Mad> Eerr yea.. isnt it true? :P anyway, that is a metaphor just in case you're wondering.. teehehe. You dont understand, you dont wear heels.. LOL.

Wy lyn> you already own a purple sketchers.. but again, shoes can never be enough :)

Ahmad said...

Cyan: I understand and THATS WHY I dont wear heels! :p

EVo said...

i do try to wait patiently while my gf shops for shoes...then after awhile i end up in the IT department keke.

cyan_loh said...

Mad> hahahaa.. very funny. Oh yea, i voted for you. So make sure u will get me one of those Coach or is LV bags again? :P

Evo> eh not bad already, at least you TRY to be patience. Checking out on those gadgets are better than checking out the chicks, no? Hoho X)