So near Yet so Far

We are this close to obtain a gold medal…

You know what I’m talking about. Yes, love it or hate it, the most talk about topic on blogsphere is none other than our true champion, Lee Chong Wei. (Try googling him, and the result will speak for itself)

Frankly speaking, I can’t hide the feeling of disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not because of inferiority or intimated that we came in second. I don’t know about you, but I don’t find the game competitive at all. I don’t see the aggressiveness or competition between Lin Dan and Chong Wei. The game has obviously shown that Lin Dan has the strategy and speed which explains why Chong Wei was lacking behind. I do find that our Malaysia sports attire is somehow a little bit too clinching to body. Well, a dry-fit fabric and sleeveless tee will be perfect as it gives room for athletic to move around and flexible. Erm, maybe the next Olympic :)

Still, he is still our national pride as I truly believe that he has come a long way.

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