entering into new phase

At first, i was anxious yet excited as I will be enrolling into college. In fact, I have attended!! part of me love how things are right now, part of me hunger for challenges, and eager to step out of my comfort zone. Anyway, college is great!! People there are superb, they are nice and friendly!! I mean of course there is a tiny weeny minority of spoilt brats, richie rich kids and model wannabes. BUt generally, they are cool, down to earth and comfortable to be with. I'm looking forward to hang out with them, and get to know them better. Soon, I will be embarking a new chapter in life. Whee! :)

I'm tryin to arrange my timetable and it's giving me a tough time!!! isshh ><
some random stuffs > what Help stands for? I always tot help means help la, nothing significant.. But it's actually stands for Higher Education Learning Programs!!Ah, now you guys know!!

So my department is Help Matriculation Centre short for HMC. it does sounds like hospital, doesn't it? remember SJMC ( Subang Jaya Medical Centre)?? haha.. try keep repeating SJMC and HMC in you brain a few times, and eventually they will link. No wonder people always assumed Help is a HOSPITAL!! can't blame them though :P

I can't help but wondering how Help students address themselves?? Like taylors, will be taylorian. Then Help, will it be helper?? hahaha... not, we call ourselves HMC-ians. And I'm officially one :)

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