Simple, just like that

I was flattered by her comments.
Maybe Fern is right, I should pick up a camera more often! 

Yay! Big pictures. But playing around the html codes on how to place the pictures side by side. How to place pictures side by side in Blogger 101 perhaps?

On second thought, maybe the x-large picture is a little to giant to fit in my blog layout, don't you think?


Chia Wei said...

Side by side would be really wide. Like no more sidebar.

You should be able to do that if your images are less than the width of your text space and the images are on display:inline or something similar.

cyan_loh said...

hahaa.. yea, I noticed that too. Thats why my picture looks squashed =.= Even to put side by side, the pictures need to be small or medium but I love big pictures. Guess I have either change my blog layout or stick with medium size ><