Flu Bug

I got bitten by flu bug.

I always take flu seriously because it is one annoying creature with white slimy mucus. It irritated me so much than I can list top 100 reasons why I hate flu. (Yes, I’m drop dead serious) It makes me feverish, lost my voice, cough, and I sneeze so hard till my button nose is so red and sore like a Rudolph reindeer. (Like traffic light) Lately the weather has been terribly scotching hot, and it will be a brilliant plan IF I get to keep myself in an air-condition room.

This weekend suppose to be a girlie day out with my sister with movie and popcorn, good food, and tons of shopping. We thought of watching Iron man. But I guess I will put in on hold. The idea of bringing my wool sweater, box of tissue and sneezing throughout the movie is not a good idea. Hey, I don’t want to jeopardize others’ day and come out from the cinema with people starring at me with sharp eyes.

Now let me share with you all an interesting fact about flu. You know whenever we have a running nose; we will inhale and sniff in the mucus, yes? (I can see you are nodding your head) Good. But do you have any idea that Swiss think this is the most gross and unhygienic behavior because mucus is like unwanted waste from our nose and meant to be blown out. You see, they do have a point. So blow out LOud.. :)

Oh well, I’m out! AH chhooo.. *blow nose*

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