"sampat po" just landed in portland, oregon

i just arrived here 3 days ago. and yea, i'm starting school tomorrow which is my first day of school. pacific crest community school - yup, thats the name!! it's really a small school compared to kwang hua. its like everyone knows everyone, so i think it can be a good thing and a bad thing. haha.. i will get all the attention in school!! *evil laugh* muahaha... but eh, better don't expect too much of it. well, my host family are a bunch of great people. I have 2 host bros named jonas and edward. man, edward is so cute!!! i just fall for him at the first sight, though he can be annoying at times. i love the way he smile at me...aww.. by the way, he's only 2 years old!!! gotcha! i bet u might thinking he's my new crush or something like that. and yes, jonas is 7 years old kid who love games and sports. my host mum, bonnie who is half japanese and ah mong. she works as a lawyer and owe a law firm. yea, she's the kind of the superwoman who juggles both work and family. but sad to say this, the house is lil bit messy..but thank goodness, my room is clean and span!! jonas and edward and also yuki ( their doggy) better stay our of my room!! haha.. and my host dad, greg is erm.. organizer, i guess. organising events and all like ski-ing. by the way, i'm taking ski-ing lessons end of jan!! *yAy* ok, back to my host dad..so he's like the house husband who clean and wash. it's a little bit different for me now, since im the big sis here and take care of them, unlike back home, i can manja around and let my mum do all the house chores. haha... but i kind of enjoy it. eh, learn new skills-mah!! haa... its been a long time i did not use mah, lah and loh....!! feel like incomplete without them! what i love abt america is their breakfast, it's so nice with the pancakes, cereals, bacon, eggs, juice and all!!! aww.. but besides that, malaysia food is the best!! malaysia boleh!!
so i will update u guys later with all the pics i took in US. since my host family don't go to church so i have to do my devotion and prayers all by myself. That's sad.. aww, i miss home!! as for now, do pray for me ya!!
love u guys to bits!! take care sahabatku!

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