Average Ideal Day

Whoa! We are actually in the month of June now, exactly half way through 2010!

Momentarily, January seems so far-fetched, to me at least. I’m not really in a contemplative mood, yet. But well, reflective enough.

Looking back 12 months ago, I was a new kid leaving the nest, making sense of things. And right now, I’m still making sense of things but just different things. Guess that’s what we human does all the time, always try to make sense of things.

Just the other day, my usual coffee session with Neil came to a point where our discussion of ‘Ideal Average Day’ popped up. Basically it’s an exercise with a list of guiding questions on “What’s your perfect average day would be, if there were no limitations consequences”. Simple questions like what time would you to wake up, what would you have for lunch, who would you eat with to what would your thoughts be as you went to sleep. Really, it’s no rocket science. I scanned through. And I can tell you, not much came out from my mind. Again, I need to do this properly, really diving inside my mind and perhaps take several hours to produce a 4-5 pages of answer (according to the instructions). Little skeptical but going to try it out anyhow.  

Generally in life with play, work and studies closely intertwined, I would want to try a little harder this time, and take things from there. Trust me, it’s nothing too deep here.  

Whatever it is, I’m still a happy and contented child. I’m always falling into blessings and anticipating the next 12 months to come. 

This month I want to think a little more about my life, look around who I have and what I have with me.

And tell me, what’s your average ideal day?


Mei-Fern Chong said...

Rain, coffee, book/magazine, people watching, good conversation, and photos!

Quite a lot of things in a day huh? =P

cyan_loh said...

Ahhh...that's very comforting! I will add hot cocoa with marshmallow or fresh cold milk into the list :D

Chia Wei said...

Hmm the ideal average day?

Morning drizzle followed by sunshine, then I'd have breakfast of hot choc and peanut butter+butter+kaya bread. Followed by an inspiration to write or draw something, all the way till lunch.
Then lunch could be anything, something light, enough to get through the day. I'd probably go for a short walk/drive/commute, bringing my laptop and camera along, doing stuff and taking pics along the way.
I hope the weather is sunny (not terribly) with fluffy clouds.
Read some books, hope to meet someone interesting along the way.
Dinner with family, short rest, supper with friends, then sleep at 11.

I'd wish I had a day like this if at all.

*strictly speaking I'd prefer everyday to be different, heh but thats me*

cyan_loh said...

That's pretty much of my ideal average day too!! Being so care-free and people watching, and just heading no where is some sort therapeutic :D Hahah!!

True, I get what you mean. We want varieties in life, but at the end of the day, we will still fall back into a certain kind of pattern and routine.