Fresh Look

The grass has never been so green; the flowers have never been so blossom, the sky has never been so blue. Alright, CUT!! It’s getting a little too exaggerate.

Today has been great I would say. As you can see and obviously, I changed my blogskin to a more vibrant and bright color, kiss goodbye to the plain old mundane and monotonous (Joyce, I did it!! I did it!!) I can smell the excitement in me, baby!! I always thought finding a blogskin is as easy as making ice kacang, but this time has proved me wrong. Finding blogskin is easy but finding the RIGHT one that reflects my identity is not as easy as it seems. Spoilt of choices and torn between decisions, finally I settled down for this. This is not exactly the perfect one but I guess its good enough at the moment. (Throw me some good ideas if you have any) You have no idea how thrilled I am, and yes I got carried away and was moving too fast that I did not save any of my links and woosshh, all gone!! Silly me!! Lesson #1: Save your work before you do anything! But I guess I managed to retrieve most of it. (Do inform me if you find your link missing) In Candies for Brain column, there are really cool links which are empowering minds, enriching knowledge and expanding horizon (fuyoh!!) ranging from political issues to campus news. Who say Malaysian youths are oblivious? I truly encourage you all to check it out. And trust me, Patrick Teo is so hilarious and a real joker!!

Finally, I got myself a Fujitsu toy after using Compaq the dinosaur notebook for 4 years. Wheeeee!! Best among the best will be installing streamyx, plus I have wireless connection!! Now I can online while lying on my bed or soaking in the bathtub. Streamyx has been a tremendous help at the moment, unlike my old mood swing dial-up connection that disconnect now and then. Worst still, it’s time consuming and takes forever to open up a web page. It moves really slowwww like a snail. READ my lips: S-L-O-W. Even the cow comes back home, it has not finish uploading; now can you imagine how terrible it is? But right now, no complains. I can shut my mouth and stop showing my sour face :) I no longer a caveman, I mean cavewoman *smile sheepishly*

I will be meeting Ian on next Monday after not seeing him for 5 years of thick cloud. Seriously, I’m so looking forward for my bro to fill me in with all his juicy bits.

So will you please excuse me, it's time for me to go for a drink now :)

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