Moment of Silence

Little do we realize how much our lives have revolved with noises and sounds most of the time.

I always had been soaking myself in the world of melody and rhythm. Sad to say that, ipod has blended perfectly well in my life. (No, no, I’m not here to judge anything) With my toy stuck cheerfully with me, with the hope of blocking off the unnecessary noises, or so called sound pollution. You will understand what I mean if u just drop by Bangsar LRT station and experience for yourself, with the zooming, vrooming and kaboom-ing!

Funny as it seems but something struck me when I was jogging around my neighborhood. On the spur of the moment, I took off my earphones (for no apparent reason) and only then I found out what I had been missing all this while.

The moment of silence.

Walked up to the hill, starred blankly at green lushes, closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breathe. And I begin to realize how great it is to be away from any noises and sounds for once. No music, no talking, no zooming, just pure silence. Scary as it may seem (like how your girlfriend gives you the silent treatment).

But, it’s rejuvenating.

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