Friday, March 13, 2009

Just me and my thoughts

I’m done with my business proposal. Finally. Mad submitted it 5 minutes before the deadline. Phew, close call. So with my fingers and toes crossed, I hope for the best :)

Well, in between the sweat and toil of the whole proposal, I gained a little insight. I did a field study at Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB). Without aware, I was sort of becoming a regular visitor there. They are nice, friendly and warm. Soon it added a little more of a personal touch when they started to remembering my name, recognizing my voice, and knowing where I’m from.

I'm sorry but I don’t sympathize neither empathize them. More of a respect and admiration I would say. I can’t really picture myself living in a world of without colors, and without light. I am sure they don’t see apple as how we see apple. But I really do respect them. Adore them for who they are. They are not ashamed. They are not embarrassed. And I believe it takes beyond courage to do so.

To go MAB, I have to walk pass this ghetto looking neighborhood. It’s sad that being sighted makes me so conscious and paranoid at all times. I held my bag tightly, walked against the traffic, kept reminding myself to walk quickly and avoiding eye contacts. Yet the blinds can walk confidently and comfortably with their walking cane.

I guess that’s why people say ignorance is bliss.

I brush. I sweep. I mop. I clean. Things that I don’t do often back at home simply because I have choices and options, and I take the easy way out. But not this time. Some said is to prepare me for motherhood. Hah. I don’t know how true is that but it certainly gives me a taste of what is like having my own house. I did whine. I complained. But the baby girl has to grow up eventually.

A healthier lifestyle is what I determined for. No more late dinner. No more staying up late. Feed myself with gallons of water. Eat healthily. Perhaps putting on my jogging shoes. But first thing first, I need to apply for internet connection. I can wait no longer. It’s just too tiring bringing my lappy all the time and staying up late at outside. Not the kind of lifestyle I opt for.

Well the bottom line here is, I appreciate my home even more now. The comfort. The home cooked food. And the company. My mom was grinning from ear to ear when I told her, how much I miss her dinner and one day, I will learn how to cook Chinese food :)

Certain kind of challenges are needed at different stages of life to make me stronger bit by bit and grow little by little.

Do you know what am I really craving for now? Nothing big.

Just a nice long hot shower, good food, and sleep in for a day.


cookiedonut said...

u r becoming more like an aunty now XD

Aunty Cyan, happy cny! where is my angpao!?

cyan_loh said...

Hahaa, give me a break will you? LOL. *cough cough* ahem, this is mothering skills ok. Hard to come by =P lalala..