

This is the MOST expensive haircut I got in my entire 18 years life!! Guess how much it cost? Its 60 bucks!!! Please friend, dont convert into Ringgit Malaysia coz it only costs you more pain and heartache. BUt I feel so good about myself in this haircut. I really love this hairstyle too coz it looks cute on me. I FEEL SO ALIVE!! haaa... I changed my colour too, to a dark maroon. You cant really see it in the picture though. Since I'm going to prom, so I dont want anything too berserk and crazy. I have my eyebrow wax yesterday!! It makes my eyes look bigger actually! Speaking of waxing, I need to wax my leg too! Hee.. Here is a sneak peek of me after waxing my eyebrow > If you tell the difference!

Bonnie bought me this really classy and chic black dress, just right for my prom's theme- 007 BOND! Aha, but I wont reveal it till the prom day itself. Sorry, peeps!

Erm, what heels will go with my dress??

No sweat, I can get it done by this week before prom!!

Joe suppose to be my date, but since he cant make it as he has to visit his bro in Eugene, OR, so I decided to go with my friends instead. Anyway, I'm glad to know him coz he's such a nice guy and I love being around with him!

** The best part of prom is about dressing up and get excited about it. My friends told me, not to put high expectations on my school's prom coz it's lame and unlike any other ordinary public school. But who cares, I still want to dress up and feel good about myself! Dude, this will be my first and last American High School Prom! I'm definitely looking forward to it *wink*

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