Today is the day

It has been a rainy season for the past weeks. Despite a brief downpour, today is such a pretty day. I love the pleasant smell of after rain. I love how the breeze ruffled gently through my hair. I love how the neighborhood can be so calming and soothing. I think it is a perfect day to have a lazy read, drink a hot chocolate, watch a cartoon, write a letter, sing a love song, pick a flower, jump on a trampoline...a perfect day to do everything. 


Sarah said...

perfect indeed. :) how've you been lovely?

i know we're totally due for our meet-up but assignments have me by my neck! eep. but november would be a good time to meet up. :)

hope you're doing well with thesis and everything else! love love! xx

cyan_loh said...

hey love! I have been occupied with assignments and of course, thesis! Such it's a life of a final sem student. Hah, guess you know the drift but Im still breathing and kicking ;) Ohh yes, I hardly see you in campus at all :/ Yes that sounds great so give me a date! x