School of Hard Knocks

Just the other day, I had a coffee conversation with an old friend of mine. It has been some time since we talked and as always, it felt good catching up on old times again. It was definitely a nice way to end my evening.

As we were reflecting upon our current state and exchanging stories of our own, only then we realize how much things have changed. Really, sometimes we are too caught up finding the right puzzle that we overlooked the big picture! For him, this year is a year of transition. He will be graduating soon, working on publishing his own journal, and soon will be interning at ESPN Singapore! I was so thrilled that I repeated ‘Dude, that’s so cool!’ for more than 10 times! After been through a rough week myself, at that point of time I was in need a dose of inspirations and happy news! Indeed, I was thrilled and still am!

For me, this year is a year of changes (Transition is too much of a big word I think). Lately, I have been much occupied with house moving. Things haven’t been working quite well with the house, plus the assignment rush and among the many other things- all things that can possibly go wrong actually went wrong, it was rather a havoc I would say! Looking back, I know I can do better or perhaps make things more bearable if only I don’t take things lightly. Again, maybe I am trying too hard to be perfect. Having to say all that, I am just glad this week is such a breather with things slowly taking shape. As much as I am excited about moving to a new place, I do miss my housemates. They are such lovelies and it is amazing to know how these 6 months can do to us! This may sounds corny, yet sometimes change is necessary especially when you know it’s a change for the betterment.

While as I'm busy settling in my new place, I’m too looking forward to usher in the second half of the year. It’s going to be an exciting one, to see how these changes are taking place!

1 comment:

nylyw said...

I hope you'll settle in just fine! ♥