Leaving on a jet plane

September is the month of farewells and goodbyes. But then again, there are always reunions to look forward to.

It was that not hard to bid farewell to Jeanne- a dear childhood friend of mine for 12 years now, in fact it was encouraging to see her stepping out from her comfort zone. In any case, all of us do need to progress, to grow and to explore. In one way or the other. Everyone has their own story to tell, and embarking onto a new journey is always exciting. Most often, those goodbyes give me another excuse to board on plane and go fresh places. Not now. One day. One fine day.

p/s: Buy me a London bus or even the red phone booth :)


jeanne said...

haha.. sure if i go to london. haha
miss u guys alot!

cyan_loh said...

dearie, i couldnt leave a comment in your blog @@ I think you have to change the comment layout to this! Hah. Remember what i told you- be adventurous and take a lil risk, and this is how you learn :) I will always stalk on your blog now!